The Alliance
Transportation is a leading source of climate change and air quality pollutants. Introducing cleaner medium and heavy-duty vehicles to the transportation sector offers the best path toward a cleaner future. Natural gas vehicles, especially those powered by renewable natural gas (RNG), is ready to step up and usher us into that future.
New Hydrogen Fuel Cell Capacity: At members’ request, the NW Alliance for Clean Transportation has developed the ability to help Northwest fleets evaluate the opportunity to decarbonize by transitioning to Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) technology. This important, zero-emission fuel offers fleets the ability to reduce GHG emissions while overcoming range, reliability, and vehicle weight challenges. Hydrogen also offers a broader opportunity to reduce the Carbon Intensity (CI) of natural gas and to make productive use of existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure.
Our Mission Statement
To promote a cleaner transportation environment through increased use of natural gas vehicles.